Last Update: 6 June 2019
Interactive software for visualizing GridRad data.
Author Information:
Dr. Cameron R. Homeyer
Associate Professor
School of Meteorology
University of Oklahoma
What is GridRad_Viewer? GridRad_Viewer is an interactive application for visualizing high-resolution three-dimensional GridRad data. It was developed in Interactive Data Language (IDL) by Dr. Cameron Homeyer in the School of Meteorology at the University of Oklahoma. An IDL license is not necessary to run GridRad_Viewer.
What does it do? GridRad_Viewer allows the user to evaluate the horizontal and vertical extent, structure, and microphysical characteristics of a storm. Vertical sections, maps, 3-D volumes, and animations can be saved as high-quality graphics for presentations and publications.
How does it work? GridRad_Viewer was built in IDL and can be run without a license on any Mac, Linux, or Windows operating system using the IDL Virtual Machine. In order to run the software, the user must first download and install IDL. Step-by-step instructions to install and run GridRad_Viewer are given on the Download page.
How much does it cost? Nothing. GridRad_Viewer is provided for free on the Download page of this website.
GridRad_Viewer was originally developed under a different name in early 2015 to meet the growing demands of Dr. Homeyer's research activities. The application was designed to allow for easy evaluation of GridRad data, to be fast, and to output high-quality graphics including maps and vertical cross-sections. Dr. Homeyer and his students use GridRad_Viewer daily in their research. It is also the primary analysis tool for the research project in Dr. Homeyer's graduate-level Cloud & Precipitation Physics class. Since the application has become an integral component of his research and teaching activities, it receives a considerable amount of attention and updates to the software may be frequent. Users are encouraged to email Dr. Homeyer if they wish to be added to the list of individuals notified when GridRad_Viewer is updated.
Copyright © 2021 Cameron Homeyer